High School Equivalency Program (UNM HEP)

CEOP Outreach 
Geographic Area Served

Project Description
The University of New Mexico High School Equivalency Program (HEP) is a unique opportunity for individuals with migratory or seasonal farm working backgrounds. This program offers participants the opportunity to earn a GED certificate through intensive GED preparatory instruction, tutoring, and supportive services.

HEP provides convenient GED instruction that is flexible with the everyday schedules of our participants. Upon successful completion of the program, HEP provides assistance for placement into a post-secondary institution, career position, or military service.

The UNM HEP project is federally funded through a five-year discretionary grant from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Migrant Education in the amount of approximately $2,222,595 until June 30, 2017.
Student must have worked or family member must have worked in agriculture for a minimum of 75 days within the past two years in the US.
Contact Information:
Location Mailing Address

 MSC06 3715, UAEC Suite 250
University of New Mexico CEOP HEP
Email Telephone
Recruiter dfallad@unm.edu
Advisor marlynnh@unm.edu
Office 277-0276
Fax 277-8800

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