Cultural and cognition, psychophysiology, psychopathlolgy

Department of Psychology 
Geographic Area Served

Albuquerque, New Mexico State-wide
Project Description
Research Interests
I believe culture counts. Culture is infused in all of our beings influencing how we think, feel, and behave. My research has evolved into a mental health disparities focus. I am interested in issues of assessment validity, with a focus on cognitive assessment, for different cultural groups. Differences in assessment validity add to the health and mental health disparities seen in the U.S. My research is centered on information processing efficiency and its application to clinical psychology. I use information processing and psychophysiological methods such as pupillary dilation response and eye-tracking measures to investigate clinical applications including culture-fair cognitive assessment, schizophrenia, alcohol use disorders, FASD, and vascular cognitive impairment.

My longer-term research goals are to continue to research areas of cognitive psychophysiology, to investigate normal and pathological cognitive functioning and cultural issues in mental health disparities.

Current Research

Information Processing Efficiency and Executive Function in Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum

Population: Children under the age of 18 who have been diagnosed with a disorder from the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum.
Investigating neurocognitive function using information processing and pupillary responses as more culturally appropriate assessment methods for this mental health disparity issue.

Neurocognitive Deficits in Older Veterans with a History of Alcohol Use
In cooperation with Southwest Alcohol Research Group (SARG), American Indian and Alaska Native Program - Native Elder Research Center

Population: An ethnically diverse group of Veterans from Albuquerque VAMC 55 and older.
Investigating cognitive deficits due to alcohol abuse across the lifespan with an emphasis on minority populations.

Efficiency of Information Processing and Cognitive Ability Assessment

Population: UNM undergraduates.
Investigating the association between information processing efficiency measured by cognitive ability assessment and pupillary response.

Assessment of Cultural and Ethnic Experiences

Population: UNM undergraduates.
Investigating associations among acculturation, ethnic experiences and cognitive styles.

Graduate Research Lab
Contact Information:
Location Mailing Address
1 University of New Mexico
MSCO3 2220
Logan 164
 1 University of New Mexico
MSCO3 2220
Email Telephone
Steven P. Verney
Steven P. Verney (505)277-0633
Fax (505)277-1394
Steven P. Verney

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