Center for the Mathematics Education of Latinas/os (CEMELA)

Geographic Area Served

Albuquerque, National
Project Description
The Center for the Mathematics Education of Latinas/os (CEMELA) has the following goals:

*To develop an integrated knowledge model that connects mathematics teaching and learning to the cultural, social, political, and linguistic context of Latina/o children and

*To increase the number of mathematics educators with this integrated knowledge to ultimately improve the mathematics education of low-income Latina/o children.

The funding is coming to an end this summer, but we provided funds for doctoral students who were focusing on mathematics education and issues of Latinas/os in education.

As part of CEMELA, we used to offer professional development in the form of summer institutes and in-class support for teachers who were interested in implementing Cognitively Guided Instruction. I
Students were all enrolled in a doctoral program through Teacher Education or LLSS.

Course Information

Department: LLSS
Course #: 557
Frequency: each fall semester


Contact Information:
Location Mailing Address

 Department of Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies
MSC05 3040
1 University of New Mexico
Email Telephone

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