Office for Community Health

Health Sciences Center 
Geographic Area Served

New Mexico State-wide
Project Description
The UNM Health Sciences Center (UNM HSC) is committed to serving the State of New Mexico through partnerships with the state’s other institutions of higher education, and a wide network of health care providers, public agencies, and communities throughout the state.

With a vision of working with community partners to achieve the greatest improvement in health status of any State in the U.S. by 2020, the Office for Community Health is committed to joining with the community toward these goals: mobilize UNM HSC resources to address the major health problems affecting New Mexicans, improve the health of underserved, reduce health disparities, and address the social determinants of disease.

Office of Community Health Products and Collaborations, include:

County Health Report Cards -- background, demographic information, legislative districts, health care provider data/needs, UNM HSC efforts by county in education, research, service and research.

PDF Map - UNM HSC Education & Patient Care Sites in New Mexico
HSC Outreach Activity, 2007 (database of HSC services in NM)

Health Extension Rural Offices (HEROs):

The goal of the Health Extension Rural Offices (HEROs) is to link community priority health needs with UNM HSC resources to achieve measurable improvement in health status. NMSU (via their Cooperative Extension Program) and the DOH (via County Health Councils) will participate as active partners. HEROs grew out of community input and recommendations as to how the HSC can best help communities achieve greater capacity to address their own needs and improve their measures of health.

Open to all New Mexico communities.
Contact Information:
Location Mailing Address
2400 Tucker Blvd
Family Practice Center Building
Plaza Level
 MSC09 5065
1 University of New Mexico
Email Telephone
Diana Heider
Wayne Powell
Arthur Kaufman, MD
Main Office 505-272-6453
Fax 505-272-3764
Office for Community Health

Copyright © 2007 The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, (505) 277-0111 See our Standard Disclaimer and Copyright Information Page. The University of New Mexico is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the information in this site is available in alternate formats upon request.
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