SOC 461 Paz y Vida in Nicaragua

Ken Carpenter
Christine Rack
Geographic Area Served

Project Description
In the Summer 2007 SOC 461 course in Nicaragua, the students initiated a relationship with the 50 women of Paz y Vida. We met in Granada, Nicaragua, where each woman told their own story of how much they earn, what they pay for housing, utilities and water, and their family situation. The women joined together to build a housing compound, assisted by various NGOs and now by UNM students. The 2007 class has raised money for land purchase after returning to Albuquerque. The 2008 SOC461 class will contribute to the building phase of the the Paz y Vida housing compound.
This is an upper level Sociology course without pre-requisites. Some students have taken the course for independent study credit in another department. We have done the course for two years and plan to do it again in summer 2008. In addition, we are planning a semester-long course in which we will further develop our relationship with Paz y Vida and other community organizations in Granada, Nicaragua.

Course Information

Department: Sociology
Course #: 461
Frequency: Every summer


Contact Information:
Location Mailing Address

 MSC05 3080
Sociology / Peace Studies
University of New Mexico
Email Telephone
Ken Carpenter
Christine Rack
Soc Dept 277-2501
OIPS 277-4032
Fax 277-8805

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