Friday Kids Program: Gifted-High Potential and Accelerated-Enrichment Program

Community Education Services 
Eileen Davis
Rita Gallegos Logan
Geographic Area Served

New Mexico State-wide
Project Description
Students participate in classes such as: Learning the Internet, Poetry Through Movement, News Writing & Reporting, Printmaking, Science Lab, Cartoon Drawing, Pottery Workshop, Self Defense for Self Esteem, Web Page Design, Re-Writing and Editing, Drawing, Physical Science, Water Colors, and Yoga. As many as 300 students have attended the program in a given semester. However, challenges have always been in 1) identifying the strongest instructors who can facilitate solid enrichment programs; 2) the provision of ample supplies to deliver the program; 3) adequate supervision for the safety of the children. Efforts are on-going to recruit instructors from the Valencia Campus and UNM-Main faculty and student pools and from the community. Community Education staff has been aggressive in recruitment and in assuring that lesson plans are solid, creative and that the instructors adhere to organized methods of delivery.
The selection of students for participation in this programs is based on the following criteria:
For the Gifted-High Potential program--School district and teacher selection based on diagnostic testing;

For the Accelerated-Enrichment for At-Risk Youth: 1) free lunch program participants; 2) under represented minority students; 3) low attendance rates; and 4) teacher recommendations. Qualifying participants may include students who exhibit inconsistent performance and those considered to be peer leaders, with propensity toward gang activity.
Contact Information:
Location Mailing Address
UNM Valenica Campus
280 La Entrada
Los Lunas
 UNM Valencia Campus
280 La Entrada
Los Lunas
Email Telephone
Rita Gallegos Logan
Eileen Davis
Rita Gallegos Logan (505) 925-8971
Eileen Davis (505) 505 925-8

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