Dream Makers Health Careers Clubs

School of Medicine, Office Diversity 
Jessica Sanchez Peter Couse
Geographic Area Served

Albuquerque, Tribal / Reservation
Project Description
The Dream Makers Program wishes to stimulate interest in medical and other health professions, especially among New Mexico's financially or educationally disadvantaged populations and to increase awareness for the need for health care workers in the state. Dream Makers is an after-school club that meets twice each month. During one of these meetings, UNM medical students and/or health care professionals will guide students through various activities related to health. Students will receive valuable information about health-related careers and how science and math pertain to these areas. he purpose of Dream Makers is to introduce middle school students to health professions, stimulate their interest in science and math, and increase their imaginations in the areas of medicine and health. Dream Makers wants to give students a realistic sense of their abilities, opportunities, and potential for success in the health sciences fields.

Dream Makers activities include:
Dissection of various specimens
Blood pressure and temperature instruction
English writing instruction
Health professionals panel
Instructional interaction with UNM medical students
Activities planned by individual school club advisors
Year-end awards banquet
Eligibility 2.5 GPA, teacher Recommendation, history of good attendance and attitude, desire to learn more about health care and medicine
Contact Information:
Location Mailing Address
UNM North Campus
Basic Medical Sciences Building
915 Camino de Salud Rm 106
 UNM North Campus
School of Medicine, Office Diversity
MSC08 4680
Email Telephone
Jessica Sanchez jeisanchez@salud.unm.edu
Peter Couse PCouse@salud.unm.edu
Jessica Sanchez (505) 272-2111
Peter Couse (505) 272-2728
Dream Makers Health Career Club

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