Johnson Center

Johnson Center 
Roger Wrolstad
Geographic Area Served

Albuquerque, New Mexico State-wide
Project Description
Johnson Center provides activity space to a wide range of the New Mexico public in the following manner:
1. Provides 5 weeks of support at no cost to the National Youth Sports Program every summer. A Federally subsidized summer program for low income youths.
2. Provides 3 days of exclusive basketball court space (8 courts) at no cost to the New Mexio State Games every Memorial Day weekend.
3. As required provides a wide range of activity spaces to the New Mexico Senior Olympics for a reduced cost.
4. Provides Therapy Pool use to the City of Albuquerque Senior Center and APS Adaptive Physical Education for a significantly reduced cost.
5. As required provides activity space for the New Mexico Special Olmypics for a reduced cost.
Contact Information:
Location Mailing Address
UNM Main Campus
Johnson Center Rm 1150B
 UNM Main Campus
MSC 04 2610
Email Telephone
Roger Wrolstad
Roger Wrolstad (505) 277-6421
Johnson Center

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