Peace Studies Program

College of Arts and Sciences 
Betsy Erbaugh
Alex Lubin
Geographic Area Served

Albuquerque, International, National
Project Description
The Peace Studies Program seeks to involve students, faculty, staff and community members in the study and practice of conflict resolution, both locally, nationallly and internationally.

There is a 24-credit minor within the College of Arts & Sciences that includes electives throughout the Arts & Sciences curriculum, and a 15-credit Peace & Justice Certificate Program.

The Peace Studies Program an UNM emphasizes community engagement as a way for students to learn about and engage in conflict resolution, whether at the international, national, community or familial level. In order to satisfy both the 24-credit minor in the College of Arts & Sciences, and the 15-credit certificate program (open to all undergraduates), students must complete a three-credit internship with a community based peacemaking organization, such as the Albuquerque Peace & Justice Center, Peanut Butter & Jelly (support services for the children of incarcerated persons), Catholic Charities Immigration Project, Albuquerque Women's Resource Center, etc.

Students are given the opportunity to study peacemaking in other countries, such as a summer course offered by the Sociology Department in Nicaragua in Summer 2006


Course Information

Course #:

Contact Information:
Location Mailing Address
UNM Main Campus
Department of Anthropology
 UNM Main Campus
Department of Anthropology
Email Telephone
Carole Nagengast
Ilse Biel
Carole Nagengast (505) 277-4524
Ilse Biel (505) 277-0705
Fax (505) 277-0874
Peace Studies Program

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