Integrated Environmental Health Middle School Program

College of Pharmacy 
Stefani Hines
Geographic Area Served

New Mexico State-wide, Tribal / Reservation
Project Description
IEHMSP facilitates collaboration between community stakeholders and classrooms. Through these classroom collaborations students learn first-hand that environmental health science (EHS) topics are relevant to a wide range of community groups, individuals, and decision makers. Therefore, the goal of Middle School Project (IEHMSP) is to train New Mexico educators (teaching in grades 6-8) to plan and implement curricula and research projects that use environmental health science as an integrating context for learning. Students and community members who learn about environmental health issues can take action to protect their health. Environmental health is an excellent and meaningful topic through which to learn basic academic skills in math, science, social studies, language arts and health.

Objective: Train middle school teachers in NM to integrate environmental health into a variety of academic classes and help students conduct research and meaningingfully connect with their communities around an environmental health issue.

The project works in the Pojoaque and Santo Domingo communties
Participate in a teacher training workshop
Contact Information:
Location Mailing Address
UNM North Campus
Community Environmental Health Program
905 Vassar NE
 UNM North Campus
Community Environmental Health Program
MSC 09 5360
Email Telephone
Main Email
Stefani Hines
Stefani Hines (505) 272-9282
Fax 505-272-4186
Integrated Environmental Health Middle School Prog

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