Agora Crisis Center

Agora Crisis Center
Molly Brack
Dr Molly Brack (Director)
Geographic Area Served

Albuquerque, New Mexico State-wide
Project Description
Agora was created in response to a UNM student's suicide in 1970. The community had no resources for people to access in times of need. Agora is available to all who need it and the volunteers are trained para-professionals who can help callers with many problems like depression,suicide,anxiety, anger,etc.

Outreach to the public concerning suicide, depression, domestic violence, anxiety, etc. Becoming a source of emotional support for people in crisis. Educating the public on topics like suicide and depression.

1. Provide peer listening and referral to individuals in crisis or in need of emotional support.
2. Inform the public about issues of crisis management and prevention.
3. Provide volunteers with education and an opportunity to gain experience in these areas of service to others.
4. Provide a social support network for individuals who are committed to the common cause of being of sevice to others in need.
- Participant must be open-minded and non-judgemental. - Must be able to complete a 40 hour training and commit to a 220 hour contract.

Course Information

Course #:
A 4 credit class is being developed in which participants will have the option of taking a national certification exam at the end of their completed contract of 500 hours.  

Contact Information:
Location Mailing Address
1716 Las Lomas NE
 1716 Las Lomas NE
Email Telephone
Crisis Line (505) 277-3013
Director (505) 277-0749
Office (505) 277-7855
Agora Crisis Center

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